Thursday 18 May 2017

Studio brief 4: Photography

fig. 1
fig. 2

The newspaper required 7 different images to make up the content for the page within. I needed to decide on the way in which I would represent each scenario of 'adulting' in only one photograph. I sketched out the different ways in which I could photograph the significant product related to the scenario. Figure 1 shows the ideas that I came up with; individual photo, with a pant (uni students love pants), stacked products, hand holding the product or macro to create an abstract image. Below are some of the images that were taken, based on the initial brainstorming on how the scenarios could be presented. Figure 2 shows the image that I have decided will make up the poster in the middle of the newspaper. it was an image I took during the first 2 weeks of being in Leeds. It is the neon sign that is behind the bar in'Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen' which is one of my favourite bars in Leeds to go to as a student. I decided that the best way to create a page in the newspaper that has a photograph of things as mundane like cleaning products would be to make it abstract.

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