Tuesday 9 May 2017

Studio brief 3: Evaluation

Overall, I am happy with the posters as they are consistent with rest of the design work for the exhibition branding and the idea of having each one slightly different is something that works well with the purpose of the exhibition. The layout of the information on the poster has been carefully considered so that certain pieces of information has more emphasis than others. The text falls with a slight diagonal alignment representing the side of a triangle, a key visual to the concept. To improve the posters, more information/a sentence explaining the event could have helped to inform the audience exactly what they could expect from the exhibition
The format of the posters is something that I could have spent more time researching into. In terms of production cost, it would be low as the only digital printing would be black and white and then the colour is being applied by mono-print. Consideration of the most appropriate stock to use would be interesting to explore, maybe finding something that could further enhance the concept. Scrap paper from the library, other posters in Leeds, newspapers published in Leeds etc.
The experimentation with the texture of the prints going into the exhibition worked well to give the audience a clearer understanding of the exhibition content, but when placed with the rest of the branding work it was not consistent. This idea was used for social media as that is the one element that can be slightly different to the rest of the design work. 
I feel that I contributed to the group well, offering ideas at all stages of the project. I uploaded all of my developments to the google drive so that everyone had access to the work. I collated all of the initial ideas and created a pdf for the first presentation, of which i helped to present. I then helped with the layout of the final presentation and then presented our final concept alongside Beth and Harvey. 

The feedback received on the branding for the exhibition concept called 'shaped' was positive. The designs were developed in a way that ensured consistency was maintained throughout all areas and by using dropbox to upload our developments, each person could apply these changes to their own individual design work. The repeated use of the three coloured and textured triangles came fro the logo design, taking it apart to make the visuals for the other elements in the exhibition branding. The colours used were CMYK, reflecting the fact that the exhibition was of traditionally printed designs. The decision to use mono-print was effective and seen to be a positive because we were able to show traditional methods other than screen printing, something other groups had not taken into consideration. 
With a few changes such as adjustment to the type on the social media platform so that it matches the rest of the design work, the layout of type on the flyer and invites so that it matches the posters and the changing of dates in the wayfinding system; the exhibition branding could be improved. The concept behind the name choice was seen to be strong and easy to understand, something which is important when advertising an event that people need to be encouraged to come along to. 
As a group we worked well together to come up with a number of ideas that were then developed together. I found it worked best by not having a team leader because as a group we were able to come to a mutual agreement and the work was evenly spread between us all as a result. The work was all consistent due to the good communication we had set up as a group, ensuring that everyone was part of the group chat and had access to the google drive of work. 

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