Thursday 18 May 2017

Studio brief 4: Middle page development

The aim for the poster on the middle page spread of the newspaper was for it to be an image that I had taken in the first few weeks of being in Leeds. I had a scroll through my camera roll and I noticed that a lot of the photos I had taken was of the neon lighting in the different bars, restaurants and shops that I had been in when exploring Leeds. I decided  to use the photo shown in figure 1, it is a photo of the neon sign behind the bar in Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen. This is a venue that I have continued to visit regularly throughout the colder months and then also the sunnier months because the roof top area is nice for an afternoon drink. The interim crit suggested that the front cover could be a section of the poster, but in terms of colour it could be an inverted version of the style that the other images follow. Figures 1 and 2 show experimentation with this concept to see if it would work. I liked how they turned out, but I do not think they are visually bold enough to act as a poster that someone would want to put up in their room. It was also decided that having the poster duotone would be most appropriate to ensure consistency throughout the design of the newspaper. The image had to be turned to grayscale, then changed to the pink colour as shown in figure 4 so that the green could then be added behind the white lighted writing on the image. Figure 5 shows an image that seems to work well to incorporate both of the colours in vibrant way, keeping the same visual consistency as the other images being used in the newspaper. Unfortunately when printed, the complete change in image colour meant that the printer reproduced the colours really dark in comparison to the on screen version. It was a problem that I couldn't work out how to rectify as the only thing I thought it could be was that I had set up the document to be RGB, but when I checked it was set to CMYK. I decided to start the editing process again and fortunately it was more successful. Figure 7 shows the final image, a similar outcome to figure 5 but with less green and no purple. This printed out just as vibrant as when on screen. As an experimentation for the poster, I was advised to test what it would look like if a section was taken as the main poster and then the '#adulting' was placed across the centre (fig. 8) in the same style as the other images. In my opinion I do not think that this works well as the image for the main poster, but as a front cover it is successful because it gives a preview of what is inside of the newspaper. 

fig. 1

fig. 2
fig. 3

fig. 4

fig. 6
fig. 5
fig. 7
fig. 8

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