Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD404: Design Principles definitions

At the beginning of the Design Principles module I realised that I did not have an accurate understanding of some of the key words that were being mentioned. I decided to make a list of the words and definitions so that I could refer to them throughout the year.

The artistic interpretation, or design of a collection of alphanumeric symbols. A typeface is usually grouped together in a family of fonts such as italic, bold, regular etc.
Physical embodiment of letters of which are part of a typeface. The type of a typeface is the numbers, letters, punctuations and symbols; all known as glyphs. 
Set of characters within a given typeface; bold font, regular font, italic font etc. 
Illustrations of letters, words and phrases. The word is a unique image and if the letters were to then be rearranged it wouldn't work, it only works in the way intended. 
Body Copy
The main part of text in your design or publication.
Display type
Type that is designed with the objective of attracting attention.
Lorem Ipsum
A generic filler text used when the real text is not available. It's used as placeholder text to demonstrate how a design will look once the real body copy has been included.
In graphic design, a grid is a structure (usually two-dimensional) made up of a series of intersecting straight (vertical, horizontal, and angular) or curved guide lines used to structure content.
The visual arrangement of design elements in a way that signifies importance.
Space in which the page is divided, usually vertically. 
The space between the divisions of columns and rows. 
Any deliberately unprinted space on a page, especially surrounding a block of text. Margins are used not only to aid in the aesthetics and the readability of a page, but also to provide allowances for trimming, binding, and other post-press operations.
In typography, a secondary heading, often in a smaller point size and set below the primary head.
Pagination is the system by which the information in a document printed or displayed document is laid out.
representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
In typography and page layout, any strictly descriptive text accompanying an illustration, located beneath it, alongside it, or above it.
Drop Caps 
A drop cap is a decorative element typically used in documents at the start of a section or chapter.
In typography, any text that appears at the top of a page but is not part of the body text, such as a tile, author, chapter title, etc. A header appearing on every page is called a running head.

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