Monday 1 May 2017

Studio brief 2: Existing Posters

Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
The existing posters for the 2017 Leeds Print Festival are all bold, bright and similar in style. The music event poster (Figure 1) and the general promotional poster (Figure 2) use the blue colour scheme that is associated with the festival in general. The 2017 festival poster (Figure 3) uses the new identity that ‘somethingmore’ the design agency has designed. 
All of the posters have a similar idea when it comes to focus and image. The image is shown to be the main focus and the writing is placed either to the right or left and left big enough to be read, but not as a main focus.

I will apply the idea that the image if the most important part of the poster to my design and the bold colour scheme is also something that I will need to ensure I achieve. 

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