Thursday 18 May 2017

Studio brief 4: Mock up and feedback from crit

I took this printed mock up to the crit today so that I could get some feedback on the overall design and concept. The feedback was positive and a discussion on the pice allowed me to summarise the few things that could be done to further improve the newspaper. 

Feedback from crit:
- limit colour scheme to two colours
- front cover same style as inside pages
- maybe invert the colours on the front cover
- middle poster in colour, without text and using a photo I have taken in Leeds at the beginning of the year
- maybe a sentence before or after the title explaining each scenario on each page
- agreed that people would want to read this newspaper and would want to rip the pages out to keep
- do not bind the paper so it can be taken apart and used as posters
- try printing on the thicker newspaper stock
- plan out the type for each of the pages
- the back page could be a positive twist on becoming an adult, such as the fun things it does allow you to do that you couldn't before

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