Friday 12 May 2017

Pantone: Initial idea

Fig. 1
After attending a workshop on book binding I wanted to try and create a booklet that would work as a concertina. Figure 3 shows the concertina book that I have made as an example of the technique. This would take careful designing as the layout of the pages would be confusing because of how each page is individually stuck together and folded. This meant that it would have to being a continuous design which visually flowed from page to page. 
Based on the booklet design I have found in figure 1, I applied the design style to a concertina style booklet that I could develop. Figure 2 shows the basic layout development of the booklet, showing the area in which the type could be added and where the images could go. The design works well to show the colour swatch in a creative way. 
The colours used throughout this design are all taken from the colour watch of the initial image of the street. This works well to demonstrate how the colours can create an identity and consistency within a printed publication. 
In terms of layout, if I were to develop this idea I would need to establish a grid system that would work to ensure that there is consistency throughout the whole booklet. 
This development was useful as part of the process because it has allowed me to understand how important it is to use a grid. To continue my development, I would like to apply the idea of taking the blocks of colours to support the text. But I will not use the black outlines for the final design as I do not think they have enough relevance to the content of my booklet. 
Fig. 2
Fig. 3

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