Thursday 18 May 2017

Studio brief 4: Further developments

fig. 1
The development of the poster for the middle spread of the newspaper lead onto the decision to only use two colours in the newspaper. The green and pink were the colours that complimented each other the best and as they were more different to each other, I think that they held the identity of LCA much better than if the pink and purple had been chosen. 
One experimentation that was made was the idea of having no text at the bottom (fig. 1), the title across the middle and then the one sentence scenario above the hashtag. This worked well visually, but I do not think that there was enough content for it to be in the newspaper alone. The development then continued to keep the sentences, but also adding the text (fig. 2). This worked well so that the reader knew the topic and then could carry on to read more below. 

fig. 2

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