Friday 19 May 2017

Studio brief 3: Exhibition contribution

For the exhibition preparation I was part of the catalogue team. I was originally assigned the role of information collector which involved making sure a spreadsheet was sent round and completed by everyone in the exhibition so that the data could then be transferred to the catalogue.
This job was fairly short, so I was then part of the making of the catalogue. I spent my time organising the prints into piles, adding a front cover and then trimming them so that they were ready for the sewing team to bind them together (fig. 1). 
Due to communication errors between the various teams, the outcome of the catalogue was not as others had intended. The miscommunication meant that we had not remembered to proof read the content of the catalogue. Along with someone else, I sat and proof read the catalogue and also made a mark on each image (fig. 2) that wasn’t very visible when printed and also marked any type errors (fig. 3). The marks on the images meant that the person in charge of the catalogue would need to increase the contrast of those particular images. 

The need to reprint the inside pages of the catalogue means that our team has to go in on Monday to re-bind it all together, something that could have been avoided if communication had been improved. This is a skill that I have become aware of and realised the importance that it has when working with a large number of people. 

fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3

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