Friday 5 May 2017

Studio brief 3: Logo development

After finalising the decision to use the triangle as the shape for the exhibition branding, we started experimenting with the colours CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) and the different textures that could be incorporated into the designs. To link to the screen printing process, we decided to try a texture that reflected this. We thought that the triangle could act as an 'A' in the word 'shaped', but it was clear that it didn't work. As the word had 5 letters, using the triangle in replacement meant that as a logotype it looked off balance. 
The initial texture appeared to e too faint and we don't think it was bold enough to work as exhibition branding. We changed the texture so that more of the colour could show through and this worked much better. The decision was to have the 3 triangle in cyan, magenta and yellow as the visuals throughout the branding and then have the name 'shaped' in black to complete the colour scheme of printing. 

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