Wednesday 1 May 2019

Jungle Se7ens - Ticket release

For each fo the ticket releases throughout the time that the festival will be promoted for I wanted to have the release posts already made and ready to post whenever it is necessary because this is something that we cannot predict when will happen. I made a final design that will be available for the social media team to be used in the instagram square format and the instagram story. 

I designed the posts in Adobe Illustrator and then went to animate them all individually in Adobe After Effects. I used a number of online tutorials in order to complete this design task as it was something that I was not confident in. The link below is an example of the kind of video that i would watch to help with the particular parts of the process throughout.

Group all elements that will need to be animated separately.

Attempt 1 
increase the beginning time before the pink rises up 
add song 

Attempt 2 
This was finalised to be 7 seconds instead of 5 to allow for more time at the start
I then imported it into Premiere Pro so that the music could be added
I will then choose a section of the song and have to use an Adobe Dynamic Link so that I can match up the animation in After Effects to work with the song.

When I started to play around with the addition of the song, 12 seconds seemed more appropriate as an intro worked well to build a bit of suspense for the viewer. If the animation started giving out the information too quick it seemed hard to concentrate on what was being shown because the attention needs to first be obtained. 

I chose a section of the song that had a steady pace before building up into something a bit more complex and entertaining. This worked well with how the video had been designed, the leaves at the beginning building up an atmosphere to set the vibe of the jungle theme and then the rising block of colour brings back the visual identity and branding of the festival. 

This style of animation will then be applied for each of the different releases - changing the information. To add variation, different sections of the song will be used, gradually revealing more and more. 

Instagram posts


layout plan I sent to social media team

The rectangle designs are set to the correct size for the instagram stories so that the social media team can build up a bit of hype around each of the individual posts that will be made on the account. 

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