Sunday 5 May 2019

Jungle Se7ens - Rationale

The full festival graphic identity and promotional materials for the North’s first headline sport & music festival – Jungle Se7ens. Tropic Nation’s ‘JUNGLE SE7ENS’ is set for its inaugural event on the 21st of April 2019 in Leeds, as the North’s headline sport & music festival with a complete graphic identity that is punchy, transferrable across a number of medias and on trend for the target audience.

The graphic identity for the first release uses a bold sans serif typeface so that neutrality can be achieved whilst also suggesting the purpose of the event and reaching out to the target audience. The graphic identity was then later revised once the line-up and smaller details had been confirmed, allowing for the design style to more graphically reference the jungle theme, rugby and the music genre that will be at the festival.

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