Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Jungle Se7ens - Festival Map

The festival needed a map that could be published online and also handed out to people attending the festival so that they could easily navigate around to the different sections. I met with the manager of the festival to have a meeting about how we should approach the map design and find out the exact layout of the festival - as I was unsure of this. 

We started by gathering a couple of examples that we thought worked well or had elements that would suit the visual style of this festival. 

Visual references

Image result for festival map

Image result for parklife festival map

Related image

I decided that I wanted to create a minimal aesthetic for the map and then use the festival colour scheme to drive the visual style and ease of navigation. I took an arial view of the festival location with the idea that outlining the areas and then coding within them would work well to simply show the locations of things within the festival. 
Dan drew over the map exactly where each thing would be located and how the area would be split up. I then drew the area outlines neatly using Procreate and then uploaded it to Photoshop and then vectorised it using Adobe Illustrator so that I could change the colours and make sure that the perspective of the areas were accurate, but still keeping the 'hand drawn' aesthetic. The images below show the development of the map design and how the colours have been used to section the different parts of the festival. I then started putting the logos of the different food companies at the festival in the locations that they would be, but that was looking a little messy and hard to see when at such a small scale. To overcome this design problem I wrote out  list of the facilities and things at the festival and using a number and colour system I was easily able to label the festival map so that attendees could use it easily.

I sent over and initial development to Dan to get some feedback on what could be improved and if anything needed adding to it. 

Final map design 

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