Wednesday 1 May 2019

Jungle Se7ens - Media coverage

Leading up tot he festival from the day that it was released to the public we worked really hard to get as much media coverage as possible so that we had the best chance at selling as many tickets as possible and reaching the largest amount of people within our target audience. 

The Tab 1
The first bit of media coverage was through the tab who wrote great article about how Dan was using his student loan to throw a festival on Easter weekend. this was really successful and kicked started a large number of students talking about the festival and I would often hear it in conversation around the Leeds Uni campus.

House Party
As a promotional act before the festival we organised a guest list party so that some hype in regards to the festival could be built and some of the smaller sponsors could start to make an appearance and just generally allow people to have a good night and then think about buying a ticket for the festival. 

We started by clearing out the basement so it could then have the DJs down there and also be decorated in a way that will make reference to the festival visuals themselves - but also keeping it a separate thing - Tropic Sessions. 

Sport societies
On the nights that the different sports societies were out, we got some of the captains to get groups together saying they were exited for Jungle Se7ens and then tagging us on Instagram to build up hype and awareness about the festival. 

Below are some examples:

The Tab 2
The next Tab article was released also on the Tab but it now reveals a lot more information about the festival as by this point we knew some of the music acts and the food and drink companies that would be there on the day.

Leeds Uni Tickets
As another way of reaching a large amount of our target audience, we paid for a pinned post and the be the featured banner image in Leeds Uni Tickets for around a week which actually helped with ticket sales and Facebook likes a lot. 

I took the visual identity and re-designed it to fit within the bounds of the Facebook post so that we could make the most of the opportunity to have it up there. 

Leeds Live

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