Saturday, 4 May 2019

Burnout - Zine mockup

As part of the final production of the zine I created mock ups on Adobe photoshoot as well as the photoshoot because it would look more professional on my website and design boards. 

I developed the gif - the first attempt worked ell but i noticed that the first and last background colour was different to the rest because I had made them from scratch rather than form a mockup.

Gif 1 - Experiment (The background colours were not consistent)

Gif 2 - Final 

Mockup - Development
As the mock up was a double page spread I had to create a single page one from scratch which I have never done before so that the gif could be complete from start to finish. I took the front cover and dropped it into Adobe Photoshop and then drew out a shadow that would fall around the edge of the page towards the right as the left would be weighed down by the staples/binding. 

Mockups - Final

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