Tuesday 7 May 2019


DB - We Are Gold

DB - Denovo

DB - Shadowlark

DB - Penguin NW

DB - Second Skin

DB - Millennial Burnout

DB - Channel 0 ident, Teatime

DB - Jungle Se7ens

DB - Artisan

Industry Experience

OUGD603 Ethical considerations

I looked at the requirements for the ethical forms and having taken them all in to consideration, none applied to any of the projects that I completed as part of Extended Practice. 

Work Placement - Honey Creative Branding Consultancy

Honey Creative Brand Consultancy
Florin Studio, Florin Court,
6-9 Charterhouse Square,
London, EC1M 6EY
30th July – 24th August 2018
2nd Sept - 27th Sept 2019

Upon reflection this work experience was one of the most valuable experiences I have had in terms of professional progression as I was able to fully engage with the studio environment for a solid month, trialing the commute into London each day and also learning about how it works to work as part of a design team. The ability to have a month in this studio outside of term time meant that I was able establish and understanding of how this agency works and I was given a lot of my own design work to complete and pitch to the different seniors within the group.

Attending the meetings throughout the day for the different projects really gave me an insight into the process of large scale projects Рsomething I can take into my future design career. Upon completion, I have enjoyed seeing he design work become public and I have seen a number of designs that I was a part of in companies such as Caf̩ Nero. As it was a really positive experience I am looking forward to returning as an intern with once again more to offer in terms of design skills and confidence in my own ideas.

Diary of the month

"Hannah approached each brief and task with enthusiasm, and consistently demonstrated creative thinking and the ability to bring her ideas to life using Adobe software. She responded well to feedback and was a pleasure to have as part of the team."
Worked on large bodies of research to then feed into the teams design projects
Attended a number of meetings throughout the month to participate with idea generation and learning how to pitch ideas to clients
Presented my design ideas to live clients which were then developed in collaboration with the more senior designers

Sunday 5 May 2019

OUGD603 - Statement of intent

As a Graphic Designer I am drawn towards briefs that are of a branding focus which allow for the development of the full visual identity leading on from that. I design with a modern approach, using predominately sans serif typefaces and bold colour palettes.

In the future I see myself in a branding focused Graphic Design studio, working as part of a team of creatives. With this in mind, the briefs I will complete in Extended Practice will have a branding focus but with the ability to explore other parts of Design that interest me such as editorial design, type manipulation and video creation.  

Collaboration is a valuable part of my practice as it allows for a much larger body of work to be developed in a shorter amount of time, similar to that in industry. The decision to part take in a number of collaborative briefs will be a conscious decision in order to mirror the environment of a Graphic Design studio, in which I aim to be a part of in the future. The role of a Graphic Designer in a professional studio environment is very collaborative focused as there is often a team of designers working on different elements for the same project. I aim to use each brief as an experimentation of other areas of design in order to develop a portfolio of work that could show my capability of working in a multi-disciplinary studio, something I am really enthusiastic about being a part of.

Research is a large part of my design process and each design decision that I make will have a considered reasoning ensuring that the needs of the client are met and an individual brand identity is delivered. I intend to research in a way this year that each of my design projects have a considered and developed conceptual driving point. Psychological references in terms of thinking further into what a piece of design is actually communicating to the target audience is something I am interested in and could draw upon some of the knowledge that I developed during A Level Psychology.

I plan to introduce more manipulation of typography in order to enhance the messages within the design work that I am putting out there, as this is something that I want to continue to improve on through the personal projects that I have planned for after University too.

For a body of work this large, time management will be a vital part of my personal development and initiative. I plan to use a Gantt chart to track the overall progress for the module and also individual time planners for each of the projects – each individual to the brief and whether or not it is a collaborative brief.

OUGD603 - Evaluation

In reference to the statement of intent I have completed a body of branding based briefs as intended. I have shown the ability to then extend each of them in the appropriate way so that I could develop my other skills within the design field.

The opportunity to focus on a collection of briefs at one time has shown that as a designer I have started to establish my personal style which is predominately through the modern approach I often take, with the use of sans serif typefaces and bold colour palettes. As a portfolio of work this will show consistency when future clients are looking for a better prediction of the type of work that I would produce for them.

The choice to be a part of a number of collaborative briefs has given me the confidence to pursue my career ambitions of being a part of a creative studio as I feel that I can work well as part of a team and the need to delegate tasks within a project is now something that I can see great value in.

Engagement with the professional industry and by having live clients has taught me a number of lessons, the main one being the importance of communication throughout the whole process. As a designer I have established the fact that I like to work closely with the client as it has proven to result in an outcome of a much higher standard and fulfilment to the brief.

This module has really taught me about the pressures of a large amount of work all overlapping each with different deadlines and differing outcome sizes. As a whole, time management can never go perfectly because within each of the projects there was a lot of relying on other people to deliver elements in order for myself to progress. I kept a fairly strict time management schedule in order to have each of the briefs ready for their individual deadlines, but some of the processes were a little longer when working with others or relying on myself learning a new part of the Adobe software. I found that this module required a very substantial amount of writing to support the design work, a lot of it in repetitive forms which as a whole took up a lot of my time and I felt a little time restricted in terms of pushing the creative elements that one step further. It is important to research into ach brief very thoroughly but I felt as though some of design work focused less on the aesthetic value and more on the theoretical process and ensuing that there was reasoning for each of the decisions made – which would not be as big of an emphasis in industry.

The module has taught me a lot about myself as a person as well as a designer, showing that possess a lot of self-motivation and pride in my work ethic. I was unfortunately ill for a large period of time half way through this module which really threw me off track in terms of my time management plan. Once I was able to begin working again I took this set back as a sense of motivation to prove to myself that I could catch up with everything through the establishment of a strict routine and self-motivation to complete a number of very long days at university.

The miscommunication in terms of industry experience caused me lot of worry as I had used my initiative and after briefing in 2nd year I went and found myself a place in the London design studio for a month just before 3rd started in order to avoid an interruption that it may cause me with the course and the specific sessions that we needed to attend. I fund this to be of great value as I was able to start the term having refreshed my skills and with a sense of ambition for graduation, knowing exactly what I was aiming for. We were then informed that this would not count because it was out of term time, so I spent a lot of my time stressing about finding more when actually it was very hard to get only two weeks at a studio. This process landed me a number of summer internships as each of the studio consistently advised me that this would value my progression much more than two weeks within the term. I took these opportunities and I am looking forward to completing them having the found out that we are allowed to have the placements after the May deadline.