Wednesday 3 April 2019

Food Innovation - Name development

As we were developing the logo for this brand we were unsure on the name and also realised that there were brands with similar names. We wanted to have more of a brainstorm in order to think of something a bit different. The list below (fig.1) shows some of the ideas that we came up with - obvious outcomes to describe exactly what the brand would offer to a community as a service. 

fig. 1
It became apparent to us that most well known brand that have a service that could be quite self explanatory through a name often uses something quite abstract and with what seems to be no relevance upon first glance. We re-visited our initial mind map on word related to the whole brand and as our knowledge on the project has increased it was very apparent that the idea of reusing was a big part of the innovative technology and the information/advice that was being shared. We looked at this part of the mind map and the word 'De Novo' (fig.2) stood out to us the most and it had the most relevant meaning to what the brand was trying to achieve. The infographics would be sharing ways in which the farming process could be improved in small ways from the beginning. 

fig. 2

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