Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Food Innovation - Brand establishment

Before we could start with the deigning of the brand, we needed to establish exactly what it was we were trying to create and pitch forward as an idea to the Rotarians at the next meeting. Misha took a lot of what she learns on her course in terms of brand insights, aims etc. to apply the information we had and see what it was our brand would be and how we would present it to other people. 

Comunicrop / agritech social / comunitech network …?
Research Insights:
- Science based solutions to introduce a higher quality life.
- Gets the ball rolling to improve livelihoods and reduce the risks of suicide. Also increase the amount of money circulating throughout the community.
- A lot of responsibility is put onto the farmers to supply whole communities with foods to sustain livelihoods.
The Strategy:
Improve the livelihoods of farmers in India through the introduction of a 'Social Innovation Resource Program'.
Support farmers in the production and storage of crops to reduce waste through a social community and resource centre via Smartphone technology.
‘Live life connected, Live life well’
‘Live fuller’
‘Move towards success’
‘Enrich your world’
‘Improve their life’

Brand Values:
Our aim is to improve the livelihoods of subsistence farmers and their local economy through the use of farming equipment, social advice hub, wastage systems and a global and local online community of subsistence farmers and biotech?  specialists.
We focus solely on improving the conditions of living for groups of people that may be struggling due to a lack of access to basic equipment and information.
Working together we can reduce waste, improve nutrition and welfare, optimise farming processes and build a network of support, friendship and security to struggling communities.

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