Sunday 21 April 2019

Burnout - Research - Questionnaire

I found a questionnaire on BuzzFeed which claims to tell you how close to a burn out you are. I thought it would be interesting to use as a way of seeing which kind fo activities are shown to deem someone to be experiencing signs/habits of someone with millennial burnout. 
  • admitted to being bad at 'adulting' 
  • avoid talking on the phone 
  • lived with parents past the age of 21
  • put off going to the doctor because you didn't want to make an appointment 
  • skipped ordering food fro somewhere because there wasn't the option for online orders
  • gave up on making to-do lists
  • used an adult colouring book to relieve stress 
  • binge watch tv shows
  • spoke more to friends online than in person 
  • broke up with someone over text
  • worked more than 40 hours per week 
  • worked more than one job 
  • taken up meditation as a way to ease stress 
  • felt guilty for taking time off work 
  • responded to work emails after working hours

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