Sunday 21 April 2019

Burnout - Research - Errand paralysis

Here’s How to Overcome “Errand Paralysis” So You Can Feel Less Stressed and Get More Done

Learn to distinguish between urgency and importance
- false urgency 
- notifications constantly
- stop draining your brainpower

Just start
- starting will help you finish 
- starting is the hardest bit 
- break down into small, doable goals

Picture it 
- draw your list, less intimidating than a list
- better recall when you try to accomplish it 

Bring back boredom
- doing nothing will help you to cope with less invigorating tasks 
- summon some dead space for more head space

- calm state of mind leads to productivity
- headspace app 

Parents: give your kids boring chores 
- balances the overwhelming emphasis on the need for cognitive achievement 
- will ward off stress related to these tasks in the future

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