Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Food Innovation - Leeds meeting

20th September 2018
We had our second meeting in Leeds in one fo the meeting rooms that can be hired out. It was really good to discuss the work that Misha and I had started to put together and clear up any questions that we had. 

- Types of solutions and technologies to reduce waste
- Long chain from seeding the crops to the food being in the home and there are a lot of technologies that could improve the process
- Personalised problems highlighted to give focused solutions - how we we sell to the rotarians.

Crop, processing, food production = supply chain
Pick an example for each section to show the Rotarians
E.g. dehydration technique, milling process to reduce waste in rice (broken grains)
Important to show the problem and then the solution that there is
Allowing the farmers to communicate problems that we have not detected
A lot of farmers become ill from the misuse of pesticide which is due to the wrong information being provided to them about the pesticide
Gather a network of ambassadors for the group
An asset given to the village to share the information
What can they do physically in a location in terms of storage etc.
de Novo

Rice kool mill

MUMBAI Maharashtra
Minimal design with hand drawn elements such as writing
Look at image as background and also block colours
Colours within India positivity, sustainability

Moving on
Having started to look at the different names that the platform could be called it was still not quite right so this is something that we will need to develop further and try to think of any other names that would be suitable. We will also need to summarise the information that gets sent over to us so that we know what to include on the infographics that will be developed as part of the body of work. 

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