Sunday, 21 April 2019

Burnout - Brief

As a research brief this year I wanted to explore the current issue of 'millennial burnout' as it is a topic that seems to be very present at this moment in time and also having experienced it to a certain degree I would like to raise awareness about it - and generally explore it to a much deeper level. 

I knew that I wanted to research millennial burnout and I had thought of some outcomes that I would like to aim for, but in a more focused manner I needed to develop a brief that would give me a direction to go with the research and ensure that I develop a campaign with a purpose rather than just make some design elements that I personally like. 

I based the brief on the ISTD 2019 briefs because they are very research focused which is different to how we normally write briefs. I printed out the two that I thought were most relevant in terms of the theme 'lost' and 'protest' and started to highlight the different phrases that I could then re-word to create my research brief. 

Final brief
Brief interpretation

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