Tuesday 5 February 2019

Exhibition - Primary research

In order to represent each course that will be showing work at the end of year show, we decided to conduct some primary research in order to see what objects people on their own courses felt represented the course as a whole or them personally. As a group we went round to each of the different departments and spoke to as many people as we could find so that we could develop a large list of items that we personally had not thought of. This was really helpful and people were very willing to think about it and share some ideas with us when we asked them the question:

"If you had to choose one object to represent your course, what would it be?"

We had already come up with some ideas (brainstorming) but the primary research really helped us come up with a lot more choices, especially helpful for the courses that we didn't know as well. As we were conducting the primary research we had a lot of discussions on how we visualised the final photoshoot to come out and decided that a singular object would be needed for each course se if possible, rather than a collection. The lists show a tally of the objects that were mentioned on a number of occasions. 

Chosen objects:
From the list above, we decided as a group the object we thought best represented each of the courses. We had to choose objects that we could physically buy

Illustration Pencil case (a bundle of pens/pencils tied together in an elastic band)
Animation Bouncy ball (12 principles of animation)
Creative Advertising Scrunched up paper and a bin (idea generation)
Printed Textiles/Surface Pattern A plant/larger leaf
Fashion Design Mannequin
Visual Communication "Exploring" represented with a globe
Fine Art A frame
Fashion Photography Coat hanger with film hanging off it
Photography Desk lamp 
Graphic Design MacBook case
Foundation Building blocks

Once this list was finalised, we booked a photography studio for the following Wednesday so that we could photograph the objects for the imagery for the posters. 

We moved onto looking at what secondary research will be needed in order to help inspire the photoshoot and the design of the poster, etc. We created a list of what we needed to research (shown above) and each of us had a particular role to have completed by Thursday. 

Personal research task:
My research task was concept research, looking into the use of gold and why, how things as a unity are represented, representing multiple personalities and then everyone is to write a short rationale of the concept so that as a group we can establish a really succinct final concept.
- Gold 
- Things as a unity 
- Multi disciplinary 
- Gold tag lines 

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