Tuesday 26 February 2019

Artisan Drinks - Initial ideas

The perfect match 
The first idea that came to mind when thinking of mixing was the idea of 'the perfect match' and how really that is what you would want when s-ending money on an artisan mixer compared to a cheaper alternative. I looked at ho imagery alone with the strap line could work, but I don't think this had a strong enough concept in comparison to if there was more copy. Using the name Violet Blossom worked well in this case, but it may be hard to take this concept forward using the names of the other tonics as they are not as human. 

Lifting you spirts / Compliment well 
I started to think about when a mixer would be used and most commonly it would be in a social situation whether that is for business or pleasure. This then lead to the idea of how people want to feel when socialising and why they do it, they often do it to 'lift their spirits' and generally feel more positive and have a good time. The tag line 'Lifting your spirits' worked in two ways - the personal feeling and then the improving of the alcoholic spirits that the mixer would be used for. 

Personality / Characteristic traits 

Leave the mixing to us
I looked for some Australian and English words that I could maybe use as part of this mixing concept to grab the attention of the audience, but not explicitly be linked to the actual drinks themselves. Research has shown for this to be an effective way of making a memorable ad because it gets the audience questioning why it has a link and often because it doesn't it makes it stick in their memories. 

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