Monday 25 February 2019

Artisan Drinks - Copywriting

What makes a good advert? 
High impact headlines are important because you do not get a second chance to gain somebody's attention. The use of subtle wordplay and puns are an effective way to catch the imagination of your audience and it will create a more engaging message that will make people read twice. 
If you want the recipient to take action, you will need to give them a compelling call-to-action such as 'hear the story', 'see it now' or 'jump on board'. Adverts that are too busy tend to have less impact as there is not an easy focus for the audience.  


- honesty is the best policy 
- personal 
- straight forward about the intentions of the ad campaign 

- anecdotal adverts 
- humorous side of advertising 
- plays with the British stereotypes of burning easily in the sun 

- connects with people 
- jokes about the strength of the beer 

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