Wednesday 13 February 2019

Exhibition - Brainstorming 2

Upon reflection, Emma Blackman spoke about how her research on previous branding for our end of year show had shown to have a pattern of having a human aspect every other year, and being image based. We also looked at extra-ordinary and felt that our idea of spraying items gold to make a sculpture of course represented items was too similar. 

This lead to another brainstorm of new ideas...

We decided to stick with the idea of having gold as the driving point of the concept as it works well to represent the new build. We looked back on initial research and thoughts and the idea of revealing work/students was a strong concept. We envisioned this as it is shown in Figure 2, where there is a cloth covering a sculpture, but instead having students covered by the sheet - we are the big reveal. We felt that the catchphrase 'we are gold' works best because our university is gold and so should we be considered to be. Furthermore, its saying that the standard of our work is gold standard, promoting ourselves. 

In order to do this we want to photograph people under a gold shiny material as if they were sculptures in a gallery waiting to be revealed. We have booked a photography slot for Wednesday 3:30-9pm and intend to buy fabric for this shoot. For initial research, we looked at images, shown in Figures 2 but it seemed as though figure 3 best represented what we wanted to achieve. 

fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3

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