Tuesday 26 February 2019

Artisan Drinks - Feedback

I held a small group crit with my peers so that I could get some feedback on the initial concepts and get a better understanding of what was/wasn't working. I gave a small overview of the brand and then quickly explained the concepts to them because some of the different tag lines fell under the same concept idea. 

Lifting your spirits / compliment well 
  • don’t want it to be so obvious, but it needs to be so that the audience can take something from it and get their attention instantly grabbed 
  • compliments work better than the activity suggestions
  • maybe bring in the Australian and english slang as a way of sticking to the history of the brand - developing on phrases such as "you are the bee's knee's"
  • look at the incorporation of a mirror as a small element that could compliment the campaign 
  • as a combined concept this could work really well and the tagline of ‘lifting your spirits’ is much stronger than ‘complimenting well’ it has more of a pun in it and relates well to the mixer and alcoholic spirit combination, but also the purpose of a social situation

  • concept: why socialise? why drink? why use artisan rather than normal? lifts your spirits, feel more confident, enjoy yourself, feel good, etc. all really work well together to drive the concept to be strong
Leave the mixing to us 
  • strong concept, but the copy needs to be stronger 
  • maybe only those from London would understand the concept as it is not a word used in all parts of the UK
  • the idea of mixing weird food combinations makes sense, but this may cause the audience to focus on food when it is a drinks product so would not end up being a very effective campaign

  • work on what is being said more for this so that people read it as a human and then it is actually about the drink 
  • less focus on the description of the artwork and more on the actual flavours of the mixer - 'a great pair of heels' is not completely relevant or powerful
  • personal element works well with this concept 

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