Wednesday 13 February 2019

Exhibition - Collaborators research

Kevin Francis Gray 

Emma researched into Kevin Francis Gray further, as one of his images was used as inspiration for our revealing under the gold sheet idea. Gray creates sculptures of people, and some heavily feature bronze (gold looking). His main projects which will inspire our photos are; Face-Off, Temporal Sitter and Ballerina Boy Study. 

He often shoots his sculptures on a white or grey background, which we aim to use as inspiration for our photos as we feel that the shiny gold colour contrasts well to it, and does not take any attention away from the sculpture. We like the abnormal shapes 'under the sheet' and feel that striking poses will allow us to bring some personality into our photos.



Temporal Sitter

Ballerina Boy Study

Previous End of Year Show Branding


The branding for last years show used a range of typefaces depicting the different personalities within the university. The colours used were black and white to create a gender neutral design.

The branding for 2017 was titled Extra-ordinary, and was an image based project. Items representing each course were painted white and held up by pink hands.

Made Here
This branding was designed by Liam Bailey and Alex Phipps in collaboration with Peter & Paul.

"'Made Here' reflects the physical nature of the courses at Leeds College of Art through handmade, three-dimensional shapes that have been produced on a large scale to emphasise the hard work that goes into the work produced. The stacked construction of these shapes represents each student building towards their career ambitions; whilst the variety of vibrant colours used, and the irregularity in which they are stacked convey the diversity of the students, and their work through the use of a quirky aesthetic, designed to intrigue fellow creatives."

Going Going Gone
The branding for 2015 revolves around the idea of an auction, as the students are being 'sold off' at the end of year show. The phrase 'going going gone' also hints to them leaving the university as this is their last event at the university.

Graphic Design Graduate Exhibition
Typeface used
Invitation design, idea of 'uncoating' in order to reveal details – represents the name of the design 

Graduate exhibition branding for College of Creative Arts at Massey University
The way the typography is integrated into the photography
The folding of the flyer relating to the photography
The small accent of gold 

The Glasgow School of Art
Degree show

Full bleed image used 
Use of some kind of grid system for copy

Nottingham Trent University 
Graphic Design Degree 

Simplistic design style 
Bold, confident statements used (similar to our idea of 'we are gold')
Large design as main, eye-catching image with smaller text underneath 

Central Saint Martins
Foundation Show

Overlay of text on the photography
Use of outlined box and how this is interlaced with the text

Points of Life
Everyday Point-and-Shoot Photo Exhibition

Invited 11 amateur photographers in Taipei, Osaka, and NYC to participate in a 30-day photography project. Each photographer asked to take a picture a day with the same type of camera (Kodak disposable FunSaver).

Part of the branding design for the exhibition:

Idea of using a stamp-style to stamp details/etc onto photographs 
Consistency between different pictures
Could use something like this for each individual course poster? 

(names in different language, think it's Hebrew)

Layout of the text on the photography
Also quite like the use of half photography-half text – could potentially work for individual course posters? or flyers?

Other Exhibition/Festival Posters for inspiration:

Using different grid systems to lay the text on the designs
Either around the edges of the poster or underneath
Text also slightly over laps the photography
Image not full bleed vs full bleed

Multiple images creating a collage
Could use this idea to show all the different objects on one poster

All different objects placed strategically over the whole of the poster
Clearly see all the objects in the whole poster
Could use for representing all the courses

Charlotte was researching where we could source each of the objects in order for us to spray paint them all gold for our concept of representing each of the courses by an individual object. 

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