Thursday 21 February 2019

Exhibition - Poster development

To choose the final poster design style we all uploaded our individual design responses onto the shared drive into the appropriate folders (fig.1). Once we had a refined list of designs by going through and starring the ones we liked (fig.2) we decided on a design by my myself (fig.3) and two by Emma Blackman (fig.4+5). We decided that figure 3 was too editorial and despite figure 4 being relevant as it was designed in the style of a museum information card, it was not a bold and eye catching as figure 5 which we felt worked best as a poster. 

As a group we discussed the design and decided that the type 'we are gold' was too low as it was difficult to read and we wanted to develop a template that would be applicable across all of the images and work well. Figures 6-11 show the development of the design as we experimented with the composition of the text and logo. We then tried swapping out the photo to see if it would work on multiple designs, Once we had finished the template we chose our 4 favourite photos, 2 black and 2 white for variation. We kept consistency of having the black photos including the plinth, and the white photos just having the person stood with no props.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Poster designs

Once we had a strong design concept designed for the posters, we allocated the rest of the designing between the team members.
  • Emma Blackman - Email Banner
  • Emma Shuffleton - Social Media
  • Charlotte Price - Publication Advert
  • Hannah Rice - A6 Double Sided Flyer
  • All - External Signage

Design Style:
  • We Are Gold - Staatliches
  • Copy Text - Circular Std
  • Logo
  • Type over photos

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