Wednesday 20 February 2019

Exhibition - Initial designs (framing)

Using the research we conducted into poster layouts, we each designed posters in the three chosen styles: framing, stamp and bold.

The concept behind these designs was originally to use the information for the event to frame the image of the gold sheet, so the person would be contained within the information. I decided to go down a bit more of a bolder and experimental route in comparison to the others in the group as a way of developing more options for us to look at in our group crit. So knowing that the others were doing the more minimal approaches of this design style I took the frame at an angle which has been left in to show it as a border in the image below and then taken out when the sizing was experimented with more in order to try and fill the spacing much more effectively. Upon reflection, I think that this idea is interesting but the concept is image based and the image works well to be the main focus and the text more complimentary. 

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