Friday 22 February 2019

Exhibition - Evaluation

The collaboration between the four of us; Emma Shuffleton, Emma Blackman, Charlotte Price and myself worked well as we had similar visions and the ability to delegate roles within the group in order to get it completed within the short timeframe. By using a shared Google Calendar, we were able to keep to a planned working structure, which enabled everyone to be informed on the daily plan and goals.

We are Gold as a concept successfully executes the idea that the students are producing a body of high quality work whilst also visually representing the architecture of the new building. The overall branding design was made considerably more professional due to the help of fashion photographer Megan Banner who did the photography which allowed us to make full use of the studio facilities and achieve a higher standard of work than we could have done without her experience in studio photography. 

Overall, the combination of imagery and typography worked well to professionally brand and promote the University End of Year Show. With more time a larger number of models would have been used as part of the photo series to ensure that there was a more diverse representation of the students within the University. We would aim to show diversity by using men and women and reflecting personalities through fashion/footwear.

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