Sunday 8 April 2018

Synaesthesia: In response to critical feedback

The feedback confirmed the fact that synesthesia is a topic that people need to be educated on rather than one to explore further. This was made apparent when eplaining it because not many people had heard of it, or knew the extent to which people experience the symptons. 

To do:
  • contents page, artworks, information
  • sequencing
  • publication kind e.g. hardback book, zine, newspaper, leaflet
  • distribution quantity vs. quality of stock
  • binding technique
  • page textures, die cutting and materials to help to illustrate the content
The purpose of the publication is to inform the audience on the different perceptions of colours and how everyone sees things in a different way. Synesthesia is something that many do not understand, or even know to exist. When presenting the idea to a group of people, there is always a really positive reaction and instantly people want to find out more because they cannot come to terms with how this may change how people see things in comparison to them. It would be a successful publication because the interest in the subject is very much present, so the target audience would be engaged with the content.

As the publication is about educating, distribution is something that becomes the main priority. Distribution is something that is easier when it is a zine as opposed to a book because it can be printed on a lower stock quality, with less pages and without any complicating production methods in terms of binding.
The idea to have a zine series, one zine for each of the most common types is something that I think would work well because people can either choose the one they are most interested in, or collect the whole series. 

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