Monday 9 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Primary magazine research

As the content of the magazine would be aimed at those with a creative interest it seemed appropriate to look at existing magazines aimed at creative individuals. The three magazines are all of different price ranges so that the differences could be seen in terms of stock, binding methods, amount of adverts and layout approaches. 

Art Student
This is a free magazine that was available at University for all students. The stock quality is a thin newsprint which is appropriate for a free magazine as it low cost. The downside to this as a stock is that there is a slight transparency and the printed images show through both sides of the page slightly. 

- large amount of adverts in comparison to other magazines so that it can be distributed for free
- vibrant colours
- newsprint as the stock 
- very large article titles and then columned writing in a small font
- a variety of layouts throughout, but all fairly structured and easy to read

Printed Pages
This magazine is £10 to buy either online or from independent art shops and book stores. The magazine has a lot less adverts and focuses on the articles within, presenting them in interesting ways and on the most appropriate stock for each of them. The front cover is thick, textured and shiny which is a contrast to the majority of the pages within. A large number of the pages are matte which works well with the vibrant colours and tone of the content. Some of the special articles and guest artists' work is on shiny paper and a little thinner in order for it to stand out against the rest. As the magazine is bound using the perfect binding method, smaller booklets have been inserted within the magazine at various points in order to make the information relating to a double page spread of artwork stand out. 

This magazine is also £10 to purchase online or in independent art/book shops and this magazine focuses more on short essays than the other magazines that have been part of this research. This magazine has also been perfect bound as there is a large number of pages, high quality printing and extra booklets added to the overall magazine. The front cover is very simple but bold and clear as to what exactly the content will be and then the back cover is one single image of one of the females featured within the magazine. The serious but stylish tone of the magazine is reflected in the design style with the choice to use a serif font and with a very organised layout of the information. Each of the females who have written an essay for the magazine are introduced with their name in large on the left page and then a full page portrait on the right. This is consistent throughout the magazine but variation is introduced at different points so that as a magazine it does not become too predictable for the reader to engage with. the pages are a shiny stock to show the high quality content and formality of what is being said. There has also been extra booklets with articles in that have been inserted in the perfectly bound spine. 

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