Sunday 22 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Spa Day information

In order to start to gather the content for the publications, I needed to look at what was already available and what I thought would enhance the customers understanding of synaesthesia and become excited about the Spa Day. 

The website gives more detail about the Spa Day than the customer can get hold of in store. although this can be found when searched for, I think it is important that there should be information instantly available as it may allow for more people to become aware and interested in this new type of Spa Day experience. 

Online information

What to expect:
A multi-sensory, full-body treatment including an optional stomach massage or the use of hot stones.
Choose from 11 behaviours to set the tone of your experience.

What you'll love:
Eases tensions, reduces stress and increases energy levels.
Treats the whole body to deliver top-to-toe relaxation tailored to your mood on the day.
Engage the senses to transform your state of mind. 
Lush Spa's signature treatment, this was the first treatment to be created. 

The soundtrack to Synaesthesia is an orchestral masterpiece of Englishness. Simon Emmerson combines rousing melodies with an inventive folk spin on a classic song from the 60s. The music will take you on a journey through breaking dawn and into a fantastical twilight of natural, majestic soundscapes of bird chorus and the depths of a dark forest with each crescendo. The first soft rain brings in a glorious chorus of rooks and jackdaws stirring all around you before the music sweeps you off again to the calm of the Scarborough Fair, sung with the soft vocals of The Imagined Village.

What you want to know:
Duration: 80 minutes long with approximately a 20-minute consultation.

State of undress: 
Down to your underwear, beneath a cosy towel.

Why rush? Arrive for your treatment 10 minutes early to feel relaxed from the start.

Buy a voucher online then phone up your local Lush Spa to book your treatment, or purchase a voucher in one of our stores. Please note: spa voucher cards purchased in the UK are only redeemable in the UK.


Where do you want to go today?
Seasons of massage and sensory delirium fuelled by the way you want to feel. Here’s a mind cleanser. Take an 80 minute journey deep within, choreographed by acres of coastline, birdsong and the power of words. It’s the scent of magic, confidence and esteem: a unique language of music, fine essential oils and full body massage which engages and merges all your senses, sending you into a rapture of storybook imagery and immersive sensations. Ponder this tremendous scene, this whole experiment of enlightened green as the peal of distant bells rings out. Hot sunlight, lush fields, going back in time - laughter wings away like butterflies, all sweet, green humour and glorious mornings. Energised. Uninhibited: the earth is turning, burning, giving you life. Perspective. Peace. Find yourself on the hillside watching the sky darken and turn to night in Hardy’s country, where the roll of the world eastward is almost a palpable movement and massage is exquisite poetry.
Enjoy the panorama: all delight of human sense exposed in this composition of your own making and experience, never the same and never predictable. Welcome to Xanadu, where gardens are bright with sinuous rills, and blossoms many an incense-bearing tree; where soundscapes of slow motion ring out, tuning your mind into a deep state of relaxation, taking you from evening to night to dawn and day once more. You’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole with Alice, dived into a verdant fantasia, stepped into a vortex of imagination where your body is a landscape made in the mind.
Soundscapes of slow motion ring out, tuning your mind into a deep state of relaxation taking you from evening to night to dawn and day once more.”

What is it?
Synaesthesia is our signature treatment and is an 80 minute personalised, full-body, multi-sensory massage treatment. Choose from eleven behavioural prescriptions for a unique experience each time.

For who?
A treatment to transform your state of mind, engage the senses as well as boost your circulation.

The treatment is £125 and available in all Lush Spas including throughout the UK, Paris, Spain, Hong Kong, USA, Japan, Brazil and Korea.

The Treatment
When entering a Lush spa, you may see our Synaesthesia wall, in the kitchen. During your Synaesthesia consultation you will be asked to pick one of the behavioural prescriptions from the wall and this will determine your treatment. Synaesthesia works to alter your state of mind in a positive transformative way, based on the behavioural prescription you choose at the start of your treatment.
A full body multi-sensory massage, Synaesthesia stimulates all of your senses to create a specific feeling. By using the secret blend of essential oils used in the bespoke spa massage bars to stimulate the state of mind, they perfectly reflect the chosen word to uplift the senses. As well as perfuming the skin, the Fair Trade Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter base of these rich massage bars allow the therapist to glide over the skin throughout the 80 minute treatment whilst moisturising and conditioning.These massage bars are exclusive to our spas, apart from the Peace massage bar which you can find on our shop floors
Finally at the end of their treatment, the customer is invited to drink a tea especially infused with their behavioural prescription blend in the kitchen with their spa therapist. To further the treatment’s effect, the customer takes away their massage bar and a special spa exclusive reusable bubble stone to match, so they can continue their Synaesthesia experience at home.

The Inspiration
The term synaesthesia comes from Ancient Greek, “syn" and “aisthēsis” meaning together and sensation, respectively. Synaesthesia is a neurological condition where a sensation in one of the senses, such as hearing, triggers a sensation in another, such as taste. For instance, some people with synaesthesia can hear colours or see patterns or shapes to music. This is the case with two of the people who developed this treatment, Mark Constantine and musician Simon Emmerson. Together, they wanted to create a treatment to stimulate and merge all the senses to give a transformative effect.
The first and signature treatment of Lush Spa, Synaesthesia was proudly released at the flagship spa at King’s Road, London which then had only this singular treatment on the menu - an unheard of feat for any spa to do.
The training each spa therapist undergoes ensures each client has a unique and immersive experience, and none more so than with Synaesthesia. This treatment has eleven different ways it can be performed depending on the behavioural prescription chosen by the client, ranging from different massage techniques to hot and cold stones, all choreographed perfectly in time with the music.

The Music
Blissful bird song and an orchestral score place you in the Dorset countryside on a perfect English Sunday morning. The soundtrack passes through the day and into a twilight of majestic bird chorus before you are led into the heart of a still, dark forest as night closes in. The patter of soft rain beckons in a dawn chorus of rooks and jackdaws stirring all around you before the music sweeps you off again to the magical Scarborough Fair.  The music and move
ments dance together, creating a physical ballet of the senses.
“Choreographed by acres of coastline, birdsong and the power of words.”

Reviews of the Spa Day by those who have been:
Without ruining the experience for others, I will try to describe how this was for me--first and foremost, the staff is professional and very good at what they do. They make it a whole experience for you, as well as, worth the money you pay for it. This was probably the best massage I've ever had in my life. You basically tailor the massage for yourself by choosing the **** you're in, or what jumps out at you, but again--I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so I won't get too far into that. The massage is set to music, and the movements line up perfectly with the score. It's quite amazing, really! I was taken back to childhood, and it reminded me of summer time, and being outside under the stars. I LOVED IT. In fact, I'm going to go back in a few months and get another one! I went to the Kingston spa, and I'm sure they are ALL amazing (it is Lush, after all), but the Kingston spa was spectacular. Wonderful staff. Wonderful treatment!

Went to the spa in Leeds for my 30th birthday - a present from my fiance - and what an experience it was.
20 minute consultation - I chose 'Ambition' from the choices on the wall, and 'Quiet and Curious' from the selection of pretty bottles.
80 minute treatment - tailored to your individual choices, including some incense and music. Full body massage with the option of a stomach rub or hot/cold stones.
Absolutely amazing experience, it felt like I'd been on that table longer than the 80 minutes. Offered a tea, also tailored to your choices, afterwards, and left feeling relaxed and invigorated. Well worth the price and experience. I would definitely have another one.

I walked into the Oxford Street store at around 4pm, hoping for a massage but not really expecting to be that lucky. Synaesthesia was the last one available. If I hadn't already experienced the benefits of massage before, the price may have put me off but as I have it didn't take me long to book the appointmental. Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just go for it is all I can say. It is a phenomenal experience and they're not exaggerating about the increased energy levels. I went in, exhausted with achey legs and back and came out feeling completely energised and invigorated!!! A massive thank you to Satty, who talked me through the process and made me feel like a new person! I am looking forward to my next trip to London and another visit to LUSH in Oxford Street. Best wishes to all the Staff, Satty and Amber.

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