Saturday 21 April 2018

Micro-genres: Oliver Latta animations

Oliver Latta (extraweg)

extra (DE) /ˈɛkstrə/
Adjective. Being more than what is usual or expected.
weg (DE) /veːk/
Noun. A road, a direction, a (physical or conceptual) path from one place to another.
Extraweg is provocation, nonconformity, risk, personality and an attitude.

'The strength and focus of extraweg lies in motion Graphic Design, Animation and Art Direction. With a deep passion for the aesthetic value, extraweg creates beautiful imagery and animation in every project approached, no matter if it is live action, 2D or 3D animation,  or everything combined.'

'As an artist he is inspired by everyday situations. He likes playing with them and play them out in an ambiguous and uncomfortable way trying to focus on provoking sensations in the viewer, which are often perceived as unpleasant and pull him out of his comfort zone in order to get his own interpretation of the seen.'

This German artist makes 3D animations which make normal situations into abstract concepts. This is a good source of research and visual inspiration as the aim for studio brief 1 is to create an outcome which tests the idea of uncomfort throughout the pairings of Japanese and American foods/utensils. The decision to use pastel colours is not something often associated with the feeling of uncomfort, but this may make the overall aesthetic more successful because by having a coour associated with harmony and comfort and then challenging it with the visuals, emphaises the content much more so. In terms of colour scheme, this should be considered during the design process as pastel colour effectively create something that is aesthetic but the actual content then takes more engagement from the viewer to consider exactly what is trying to be suggested and portrayed. 

- limited colour palette
- pastel colours 
- human figures
- animation mixed with real life objects
- lots of liquid style effects 

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