Sunday 8 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Pantone trend

A personal project by @marawearsstripes is just one of the many Pantone based trends within the creative field. The project explores the associations that she personally has with each of the coloured cards, 1 a day for 100 days. The majority of the project looks at the quotes and thoughts that the colours provoke, but some of them are synaesthesia based as it is something that she has. 

I have picked out the ones related to synaesthesia as examples of ways in which a designer has cleverly presented this topic in a way that would relate to Graphic Designers. The use of colour within Graphic Design is very important and can hold a lot of meanings surrounding the information that is being presented. Pantone colour swatching is very widely known, used and enjoyed; but this project to me highlights the different ways that colours can be perceived by different people This is something that I could focus on as many designers may not be aware of the condition and how it would cause some of their potential target audiences to see the work in a different way than intended. 

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