Saturday, 21 April 2018

Micro-genres: Critical feedback

The first crit allowed for us to discuss the research into the music genre which has been done and then try to pick out the main themes and influences to concentrate on when developing a concept for the final outcome. Prior to the crit I had thought about lots of different approaches that could lead to a suitable outcome. I spoke about these slightly, but the main purpose of the crit was to see new perspectives and see if any of my approaches could be changed and developed to end with a better concept. 

The simple presentation of research allowed for the main points to be discussed and understood by the group. By playing some Japanoise music instantly it was the feeling of uncomfort that became the focus of idea generation. Ideas were based on the follow piece of research:

'Japanoise was seen to be a mirror of distorted perspectives that could only refract the projection of an outsider back into their own view.
It was suggested that Noise should remind us of some sort of torture; and then, that being exposed to these sounds transforms torture into pleasure.'
To illustrate this particular aspect of Japanoise it would be interesting to look at objects/things that when paired together people feel uncomfortable, uneasy and generally realise that the conventions are broken. It would be interesting to design a set of posters/designs that take these uncomfortable pairings of objects and display them in a visually appealing way so that initially the audience is drawn to the visuals and then an element of discomfort is noticed. This aesthetic presentation is relevant because japanoise is thought to present the exposure of torture in a pleasurable way. 
To build on the concept and relevance of this concept, 'the intricate historical relationship' between North America and Japan could also be visually accounted for. This could work by designing in a traditionally Japanese way and then having the unconventional object pairings as American products that are very well known by a large number of people. 

Visual literacy

To research:
  • Japanese design
  • colour schemes either for the 1980s, Japan, comfort
  • design without structure
  • North American products
  • product photography vs. illustration
  • matching of objects that people have identified to be uncomfortable

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