Friday 20 April 2018

Micro-genres: Initial ideas

Visualisation of data
Taking one of the most famous Japanoise artists called Merzbow and three of his tracks that make up a small album, the track data was analysed by spotify so that the data could then be visually represented in an interesting and strategical way. 

One of the ideas was to take the audio features represent each of them as a circle. Each circle will represent an individual note of the song and then the distortion will be applied depending on the individual note such as the loudness, pitch, key, length. The image shows the ways in which manipulation could take place (not accurate in the example) and then the overlapping would be the layering of all of the notes that takes place in Japanoise. 

The second idea was to develop a poster series based on each of the tracks in the album, finding out the main inspirations for each of the songs and having that with the track data published alongside. This shows the development for 'Pt.1' which focuses on the beating human heart. If this idea was to be improved the design style and colour scheme would be more Representative of Japan by taking some of the design techniques it is famous for as a country. 

A small idea was to explore the use of origami to hide the design made to represent Japanoise as a music genre. As a traditional folding technique/art associated with Japan, this would be an interesting method to consider and develop further. 

Food combinations
The influence from North America on Japan is one of the main reasons that the Japanoise underground music scene has been able to grow and develop so well. To illustrate this issue it would be interesting to take one of the most associated thing with each of the countries and merge them in a way that universally the associations would be able to be made. Food is something that a large number of people would be able to recognise if it was from Japan or America as both countries have very established and particular cuisines; different to other countries. 

The live houses that host the Japanoise music concerts have them at a very early time in the evening so people have to come straight form work. To enhance the experience of the evening they have now started to serve food so a menu design was something that I thought would be interesting. The menu design would have to be challenging a social, political aesthetic association to Japanoise, but it would be an interesting idea to explore. 

Merged map
As the music is heavily influenced by North America I thought it would be interesting to experiment with the merging of maps from Washing D.C and then Tokyo to represent the hard to navigate live house and record shop locations. The use of the underground map is more appropriate than a street one as the music scene exists predominately underground, it is known as one of the biggest underground music scenes in Japan.

The development of this idea could be through the application of colour and what that could represent, the readability of the mar, the opacity of the map and the ways in which the unknown location of the music scene could be visually communicated. 

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