Friday 20 April 2018

Micro-genre: Colour schemes

As it was the North American influence on Japan that I am concentrating on with these illustrations it was important to establish a strong Japanese colour scheme rather than an American. The illustrations need to be predominately Japanese but with subtle American influences. Using Pinterest a collection of images were gathered which each showed the different types of Japanese aesthetic that a large number of people would easily associate the colours to represent. 

I took the outlines of the illustrations that had been made and then experimented with the different colour schemes, making a colour palette of 9 potential colours taken form each of the aesthetics. 

The colour experiments worked well and changed the overall aesthetic almost instantly. Based on the research on Oliver Latta the pastel colour palette was proven to be the most effective when trying to make aesthetically pleasing things seem slightly more uncomfortable for the viewer as the link isn't instantly noticeable. 

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