Friday, 6 April 2018

Synaesthesia - Research experiment

As part of my primary research for this topic choice of synaesthesia, it seemed important to conduct my own studies on how those who have it respond in a creative way.

1. draw in blackened white as the music is playing
2. draw in colour as the music play

Bold Changes - Kyle Eastwood

3:30 onwards

Reasons for song choice:

- broad range of instruments
- each instrument has a distinctive sound
- interplay during the improvisation could lead to interesting visual associations


I sat with a friend who has synaesthesia and tested out this idea to see what the outcomes would be and whether or not it was something that would be interesting to try out on a whole group of people. 
As little thought as possible to go into the drawing of the music in order to make it as raw and real as possible was important because it should be what comes naturally as apposed to what you think should be being drawn.


- it is nearly impossible to draw out the exact visualisations that you are having as an individual, it is more of a feeling
- simple line drawing worked well as an attempt to illustrate how the music made us feel and simple show the response by the movement of the hand
- frustrating because the music was jumping around quicker than the colours could be placed on the page

- cannot see which part relates to which part of the song, this would be resolved by releasing the findings as a video rather than just a drawing on paper
- hard to determine those with synesthesia and those without, unless they themselves already know
- more looking at individual interpretations of music and visual associations

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