Friday 20 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Blogger research

A blog post called 'Spa Junkie on ... Synaesthesia at Lush, London' on the blog shares an article summarising one of their reporters experience at the Lush Synaesthesia Spa Day. 

This blogger attended the spa day at the London, Chelsea Lush Spa for a 80-minute body massage choreographed to music - including specially commissioned orchestral pieces - and which uses a bespoke combination of essential oils. 

- quaint waiting area like a country kitchen
- a shelf of glass bottles with coloured liquids (essential oils) with name tags in the style of Alice in Wonderland, but with words such as determination, laugh, content etc. 
- the treatment begins by being asked 'what would you like more of?' in reference to the chalkboard filled with all of these words
- the combination of appropriate oils are mixed and the dry ice spreads the aromas of the oils to fill the room 
- 'the synchronicity of the music and massage and the scents of the oils really lifts my spirits'
- hot stones paced on chakra points to balance energy
- 'Lush's multi-sensory delight is a fabulous mix of the homely and the unconventional' 

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