Monday 23 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Production

The production of both of the final publications for this brief relied heavily upon the use of Adobe software such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. The final designs were placed in InDesign to ensure that a consistent layout was achieved and that it was in the correct format to print. 

As LUSH cosmetics is a brand that considers the environment, stocks natural products etc. it seemed important to consider the stock that the booklet was printed onto. I decided that recycled paper would work the best as the stock to print onto. 

- 120 gsm recycled paper for the inside pages
- 350 gsm recycled paper for the front cover spread
- black card for the front cover of the information booklet 
- foiling for the front cover titles
- thread for binding
- acetate for extra pages within the book 

In terms of binding as the catalogue would be Japanese bound, each of the sheets was printed as double-sided but single sheets so that there is lots of room for binding considerations.  

The use of recycled paper was effective in terms of brand representation, but because it is thin and slightly textured it meant that hen printing double-sided on a number of occasions the paper had stuck together and meant that within the book when ordered there were lots of blank pages. This is a problem because it is not how the book was designed. 

To overcome this problem I had to remove some pages in the catalogue and replace them with inserts on acetate etc. so that the page count still matched up with the contents page at the beginning. This was something that if planned was not meant to have happened, but as it is a book based on senses and perception it may have worked to the advantage of the final outcome. The printing on to acetate has emphasised some of the interesting things within the publications. 

Final production:

Booklet - pamphlet stitching
- evenly marked 3 holes down the spine of the booklet
- used the awl to make the holes on all of the pages
- stitched the spine
- bone folder to put a crease 
- laser guillotined all of the edges so that it was cut in line, using the spine as the straight edge to go by
- foiled the title onto the front cover

Catalogue - 3 hole Japanese bind 
- lined up all of the pages and clamped
- marked on the spine where the holes need to be 
- cut down the whole catalogue to size using the laser guillotine
- Japanese bound the spine of the book
- scalpel cut the title in the front cover page
- foiled the other part of the title on the front page

Just before I did the final front cover I did a large number of tests timing exactly how long I left the glue to dry before placing the foil on top and then how to leave it for etc. This was to ensure that the first attempt on the final thing went to plan and looked the best that it could. The experimentation's paid off and the front cover went well. 

The original idea was to have the word LUSH printed on the front cover in the black foil and then the word synaesthesia in the holographic foil underneath but when testing out the black foil, it did not work and it did not take to the glue as expected. This meant that I had to think of something else to do for the front cover. I decided that on the catalogue that would have more of a budget and would not rely on being made in mass, a hand cut of the word LUSH would work well and show the pattern of the next page through onto the front cover. For the booklet as it would need to be made in mass production I have decided to have all of the writing on the front cover in foiling. 

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