Thursday 12 April 2018

Synaesthesia: Magazine brainstorm

A brainstorm allowed me to document all of the initial ideas and things that would need considering when designing a magazine and so that the exact target audience could be defined, the content could be made appropriate and the design style presented this all in the best way. 

The magazine will need to be:

- informative
- engaging
- exciting

I then thought of some of the different approaches I could take, what kind of content would be included and the names that would work best. The initial idea was to have this as a full synaesthesia focused magazine,but as I started to look into existing creative magazines it seemed more appropriate to establish a style of magazine with a certain kind of content and then design a special edition. 

The type of content that this synaesthesia edition would include would be looking at perceptions, colour, senses, interpretations, artistic impression etc. so a magazine that is creative but with a more scientific twist seemed to be a good genre to develop. 

Name ideas:

- perception
- colour
- senses
- sensory
- receptor

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