Wednesday 23 November 2016

The results are stunning.

Following on from the session about stress management, I found this article particularly engaging as it highlighted that punishment isn't always the best solution to mistakes.

Robert W. Coleman Elementary School realised that making a child attend a detention session was not positively productive as staring at the blank walls did not encourage them to reflect upon their behaviour, instead the boredom created agitation. The school introduced the Mindful Moment room instead which is filled with lamps, decorations and purple pillows. The children are encouraged to sit in the room and got through practices like breathing and meditation, helping them to calm and re-centre.

It is thought that mindful meditation can improve a person attention span and focus. This is something I may consider starting when I have a lot of different projects all at once. To manage the workload, it is important not to procrastinate and the hours put in must be used to their best. I think at the start of a long period of work, I would benefit from clearing my head and focusing exactly on what needs to be done.


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