Tuesday 15 November 2016

Day Brief - Nest 'focus' submission

In order to develop my personal and professional practise, I submitted a piece of work to NEST magazine based on the word 'Focus.
Focus could refer to the literal sense to the lens focus of an image - or in a broader sense referencing your personal focus as a student at LCA. The work could be representative of your focus within you chosen subject, or a focus on social, political, economic or environmental issues that you are passionate about.
The magazine is looking for work in the format of photography, illustration, design, collage, painting, sculpture, ceramics, 3D work or written text pieces.

I decided to use a photograph I had taken in Madrid. I started by experimenting with a coloured layer which had a low opacity and I then slightly offset this on top, distorting the focus of the picture.
I repeated the same process again so that the image was in three different positions, all overlaid. 
I then looked at applying this design decision to the word 'focus' and also adding this to the image. 
I liked the aesthetic, but I do not think it illustrates the meaning behind this photo. To take this photo, I had to face my fear of crossing busy roads and in doing so I was nearly hit. I was so focused on getting the photograph that I wanted, I didn't realise that the lights were no longer on green for pedestrians. I wanted to express the fear I felt when I realised this. 
The offset image shows the shaking and the Spanish phrase translates to 'focus on fear'.
The design decision to use the particular colours was based on the colour of the Spanish flag and then transferred straight onto the photograph as the opaque layer. 

Final submission

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