Sunday 13 November 2016

Module 1 Overall Evaluation

Upon reflection, I have developed a range of skills and techniques to improve my design journey. Both of the studio briefs have highlighted the importance of research and how rich research can enrich the final outcome. The research leads to the ideas that are not the most obvious and it is those ideas that are the most successful. This was most apparent in studio brief 2 when designing the typeface as I could not think of a way to develop the letterform based on the negative spacing. I researched some different graphic design studios and it was the discovery of ‘Lo Siento’ that inspired me to think about how the organic and physical elements of a letterform can lead to something new and unusual. This highlights the importance of research as my idea now has a much clearer concept and interesting idea which lead to the creation of it.
If I were to continue with the two studio briefs, I would like to create the ‘Adjourn’ logotype using the ‘unorthodox’ typeface I created. A lot of the feedback suggested that this typeface would work very well at representing the company and visually, the typeface has all the necessary characteristics.
In addition, studio brief 2 could be further developed by looking at ways to made the final presentation of the typeface 3D, representing the way in which it was made. One way would be to project it onto walls and public spaces, allowing for a much more intimate interaction for the audience. The creation of broken letters and a sense of movement would occur when the public walk in and around the projection. Another approach would be to make the letters out of foam board or a very thick material, fairly large and build up the arrangement onto a wall that could then have a powerful light shining on to it to cast the shadows. The colour of the typeface and the light would be interesting to experiment with.

Overall, I am pleased with the outcomes I have produced for this module as I have been able to approach the briefs in ways I wouldn’t have considered in the past. To improve in the next module, I plan to do more initial sketching by hand before I then transfer all of the work into a digital format.

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