Tuesday 19 March 2019

Penguin NW - Made in Japan

Made in Japan - Viction:ary 

  • Japanese design is minimalism rooted in history 
  • The art of boldly organising and simplifying information in a limited space can be said to represent Japanese culture itself
  • Japan has historically obtained much influence from its Chinese neighbours
  • Modern Japanese Graphic Design has a synthesis of Japanese, Chinese and Western movement
"It is most important to make people curious about design, especially those who are not interested in it at all." 
- Tetsuya Chihara

- limited colour palette
- geometric 
- type focused 

- brush strokes - reference to tradition 
- limited colour palette
- white background
- simple typeface choice

- layering
- grid reliant 
- minimal in a busy way
- strong sense of hierarchy 

- use of frame
- block colour paired with a single image 
- low weight sans serif typeface 
- minimal 

- very organised 
- geometric shapes and simple
- small type 
- calming visual style 
- watercolour background 
- single colour type 

-visual style developed from the countries flag 
- minimal 
- red grouped together so that the focus ensures that it looks like the centre of the flag 

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