Monday, 25 March 2019

Anyways - Progress check

We sent over an email on Monday night so that we could share our ideas and progress with Pat and Charlie. We had started to edit the video, but wanted to save that for the crit on Friday, so we sent over some of the BTS stuff, iPhone photos and general videos of tests that we had collected. 

Hi Pat/Charlie, 

Group: Hannah Rice, Sophie Rose, Emma Shuffleton

Rationale: Teatime - in between shows it is usually a time that people may go and make a cup of tea etc. A common thing to have with a cup of tea is a biscuit, a common association. This concept would use only biscuits to make a Rube Goldberg machine to create a tea break, tea party ... vibe. 

iPhone test shots as our other videos are a little large atm. 

I have also uploaded a pdf of initial ideas for the zine. 

Our BTS video is starting to come together but needs to be stylised to match all of the other outcomes. 

Hope you enjoy, 

Hannah, Emma, Sophie :)

Initial zine visual concepts:

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