Tuesday 19 March 2019

Penguin NW - Japanese visual styles

As part of the research, I thought it would be helpful to look at some Japanese design styles so that I could maybe apply some elements to the book cover in order to subtly reference the location that the book is set in. I found a number of photos online of Tokyo so that I could start to look at the colours used, the kind of vibe, different typefaces etc. that I could reference to in my designs. 
  • blue
  • red
  • pink
  • neon 
  • busy
  • lots of signs
  • digital rather than printed
  • symmetrical building such as the pagodas


How to make a Chinese or Japanese book cover
-       Blossoms - cherry, or anything pink and red
-       Fans - normally held to obscure a woman’s face or genitals
-       Dragons - only on crime novels
-       Female necks - normally of a geisha
-       Only women are allowed on the cover of Chinese and Japanese literature; ideally expressionless

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