Friday 2 February 2018

Superfly: Final developments

Working on the outlining of the lettering showed that the multiple path outlines worked well in order to be able to incorporate a more vibrant colour palette on the poster. When the final design is completed, this part will need to be divided in order to ensure that visually it all blends in well together and that there isn't overlapping of the letters. 

I then worked on the background surrounding the superfly logo coming out of the boombox. To create this I gradually deleted some of the anchor points on the outside path to build up the background colour to appear as though it is surrounding the letters, but also following out from the central circle of the speaker. 

Once the layout of the banner had been finalised, the poster layout needed to be developed and decided upon. This would need to be different to the banner as the same information and visuals needed to be included but the poster is now a portrait and not landscape. The banner design was transferred to the portrait poster to see how it fit and what needed to be changed. The page was not filled very well which mean that each of the elements had to be very small and there was a lot of empty space. In order to improve this, the lettering was moved to appear to be layered over the boombox and although it was still coming out of the speaker circle, it was now the left one and not the right. So that the boombox could be seen well, the colour behind the lettering needed to be made slightly transparent which worked effectively and also allowed for another colour to be added to the design. 

In terms of colour, this process is discussed in detail on the colour scheme blog post but the developments show how the colours from the visual literacy have been taken and applied in different combinations for this design. The colour scheme started with the boombox being blue, purple and green which standing alone worked very well visually. As the lettering was a pink/coral colour, it did not fit together with the colouring of the boombox and did not look as though it was coming out of the centre of the speaker as intended. To improve the design, the colour of the letterng was applied to the speaker circles on the boombox. This made the design work better and the lettering now appears as though it is coming out of the centre of the speaker. 

Developments then lead to the colour scheme being changed to a limited palette to see if this worked better to create unity between each of the elements within the design. 

It seemed as though framing the working would work well to then introduce the other bits of information that needed to be included on the poster. Initially it seemed to work, but devleopment continued as I felt as though the vibrancy and energy that was needed had not been successfully captured within this poster. The typeface choice changed a number of times to see which worked best when paired with the large lettering. When seeing if an oblique tyeface would work, it was decided that this was too much when paired with the forward moving and decorative lettering that is the main focus on the poster. 

The developments above then show the design process taken to get to a more simplistic and modern layout of the poster. This worked well and seemed to present the information and idea behind the event well. The pale pink background contrasted well with the mustard boombox but the colours were introduced in various place throughout the design in order to ensure that it all worked well together as a final design. The white box was placed in order to try and frame the lettering to a certain extent and then push the viewers eyeline up towards the information that was also of importance on the poster. 

Revisiting the design after a little bit of time allowed for the realisation that it could be much more vibrant and representative of the event style and also be more appealing to the target audience of students. This was an event with traditional music genres, but still in a modern venue of a night club and this needed to be better reflected within the design. 

Experimentation with the background was a process which started with the use of geometric patterns which visually seemed to work. The design would be improved when the background reflected an element about the event and had more meaning. The hand drawn lines represent the one off organisation of the event and the sporadicness of their placement reflects the energy that will be present at the event by those attending. 

As a mandatory requirement, the poster needed the two logos provided by the events team. First I put the logos in the right-hand corner, but it was quickly decided that they looked better when central. 

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